Abrechung der Blindleistung am Transformator durch den Netzbetreiber + Strompreisvorschau 07.01.23


Blindleistung am Transformator bezieht sich auf elektrische Energie, die in einem Transformator erzeugt wird, aber nicht in das Stromnetz eingespeist wird. Sie wird auch als "Verlustleistung" oder "Leistungsverlust" bezeichnet und entsteht hauptsächlich aufgrund von Widerständen und Induktivitäten im Transformator und im Stromnetz.

Netzbetreiber sind für den Betrieb und die Wartung des Stromnetzes verantwortlich und haben in der Regel festgelegte Verfahren für die Abrechnung von Blindleistung am Transformator. Diese Verfahren können je nach Land und Region unterschiedlich sein. Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass die Abrechnung der Blindleistung am Transformator durch den Netzbetreiber falsch ist, empfehle ich Ihnen, sich an den Netzbetreiber zu wenden und ihm mitzuteilen, dass Sie Zweifel an der Korrektheit der Abrechnung haben. Der Netzbetreiber sollte in der Lage sein, Ihnen alle Unterlagen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die für die Abrechnung relevant sind, und sich mit Ihnen zusammensetzen, um jegliche Unstimmigkeiten aufzuklären. Wenn Sie nicht in der Lage sind, eine Einigung mit dem Netzbetreiber zu erzielen, haben Sie möglicherweise die Möglichkeit, sich an eine unabhängige Schlichtungsstelle oder eine andere zuständige Behörde zu wenden, um die Angelegenheit zu lösen.

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00:00:00: Zoom mine.

00:00:03: If I'm guessin fart North by them no Quentin the heart lightly it was I know in our operational update that you do futile War bleep lies Stone,

00:00:16: get my cut us off to rest were then at the time here is surface 15,000 or willfully blind that bite.

00:00:25: Won't if there's a hug in where's my golden.

00:00:28: With the tickets are so many and bugles a lot of sports hero strohm converting mind when he print lies to impurity yet,

00:00:38: Indian fireman the accusing us fee.

00:00:42: The factor tree for she do Susan storm or spinal can save net.

00:00:49: It was fun Thailand's up fake he's in for the harm we all hope you like the beige been missing her Hospital.

00:00:58: Nephi and didn't get around to oven dividing a kind of a she'd open covid-19 the guns Client First keyboards used for which final,

00:01:08: this V is the coding rules fee no come on no no in fear,

00:01:14: with your power factor while newcomer Noel after Street and infrequent of data and the team can erato Gibbon.

00:01:22: We can show me what I'm against could start to defy hate and answer session work line stone-blind light Stone and shine light on done to here.

00:01:36: Of details the power.

00:01:39: The Northerners and against the violin while we are and who thought end of realism in the content by my nickname from semi-nude my life you can also delete netzbetreiber one,

00:01:52: well then gospel empty land with material panel.

00:01:58: You see also mere twenty young so I got really cool tourism if you recognize do.

00:02:06: Batik the reason acid site in Delight circuits 400 active recovery.

00:02:12: You do too good Harry Regan blind lies two men iron my country Longs rent lifestyle Minos nights in California.

00:02:23: Plus the most fancy car 4 is a decline in the Kalamazoo house.

00:02:29: Come on my hand side once it took a cab 20 car fo rmaking and for Hayden is to Swoon at a non-party.

00:02:40: This is jacking up my temple tent under the important.

00:02:44: Refuse allies stunk my last thousand students National the black test behaviors also Glide.

00:02:51: What is this in your Technique and in fact Nick Merkley tremendously in the electro technically scanner does the organ and blind,

00:03:03: last room or blind alright home and feel fastest resign to enter ice desert lies thing.

00:03:13: This is technically,

00:03:15: if she won't come back Seema and I probably would have 30 or 40 think inaudible clang Maori painting a gift of kind of a pregnant from netzbetreiber these three were come from.

00:03:28: Design and we have guns globish needs a misconception.

00:03:33: Domestic domestic to their empty layer then a mess concept five sugar ordinate honest with content c5's up killing it,

00:03:42: yeah yes I think he may have him come from won't fit aspirin and it's a heard he's a douche on half and that's We Done Yet it was a horror film ultimatum netzbetreiber humankind.

00:03:54: Zoo yet come Allison storm hydrogen,

00:03:59: hi Isabel Morgan I'm going to put on my way here to find our speaker one of Wendy's,

00:04:07: Morgan we are latest as a senior some visits injections of to read about some armed and Nvidia crab tries he covers about from attacks this not products as well be seen winter Stella,

00:04:21: things will get us enough you can select the bhagavad-gita as it were my videos with Pete's language you don't want ra back in time for tired huh.

00:04:30: Cream on this in Zola the annex,

00:04:35: who want Justice management of Indian School pilot as of contact this situation the episode cage I'm the next video at first

00:04:45: who are the prizes is dealing McMahon and oil sands in its year as X comma off.

00:04:53: XCOM afiya here as a style advice on enough you have not hidden Elston books that.

00:05:04: No

00:05:07: The real answer to him as always I'm sorry at 12:12 send it to the bridge tunnel yeah send.

00:05:16: I just get off my back so Vitae by behind all kinds I don't hum one album should I do something wrong pissing off from fiction Commander I sent it to the watchful eyes didn't Advance on to advance he sent image button.

00:05:34: No when we when we are socialized to next vocal and also have enough content literature.

00:05:40: Rustling noise of trainers form fee from Demi internet later yeah.

00:05:49: Yeah the events here.

00:05:54: Yeah live streams of Cesaro from stomping a job as we are here on my own the shrimp was activated under two then yeah score as it optimization last comment dinner,

00:06:07: let's inspect Hager try to be initial oh,

00:06:13: Wendy is it man Inland as a team events here what we are charged with a shotgun So I placed us here she's Home Fires Irv,

00:06:22: greetings and the condom Association guns toilet yo what from Pfizer belief about whinnies anxiously dividend interest from Pfizer it here fear.

00:06:34: Wound mid-level except us extra trips you know it's very hard on video,

00:06:40: today's pain is good enough to destroy a manager for a job microscopes or for progress on Yelp,

00:06:46: what kind of situation and should not 14 in my body yeah tea from 25,000 it yeah yeah Moc yes there are four leaf.

00:06:59: Come on let's look at BO guys online machine industry as a good nominal Pirates recruiters are you yeah Andi Cruz as a cigar lounge after I quit teaching

00:07:14: three of wound Abbas over man.

00:07:16: Mitch for them when he would seitan order type of NAFTA yeah I Pages then I could see tons of info for you in the bone guns cause my limbs middle of historical fact Mystic writer of one,

00:07:32: which is on taxes it's cute winter William alexakis one of them lets me yeah this is as a reference page,

00:07:40: both amazing and he's curious good heart as cold attitude van was of mirrors nights and heart the Kenzie have the milk teeth grows and grows,

00:07:50: Japan's equal either with hips cost Z assuring automatic easier think my husband,

00:07:57: well as you know these and Liang father is a tanabe or a sponge yeah complexity for many years it was going to ask my questions pertinent and 7 and are not willing to learn bone does this particular language carefully.

00:08:11: This was some fun on Twitter soon as well which is not talk to you.

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