Strompreismanager- Energiemanagementsystem - Trafoverlust-Berechnung in Echtzeit - Stromrpeise 28.01.23


Wie berechne ich die tatsächlichen Transformator- und Umspannverluste?

Die tatsächlichen Transformator- und Umspannverluste können berechnet werden, indem man die Leistung, die in den Transformator oder die Umspannungseinrichtung eingespeist wird (Eingangsleistung), mit der Leistung vergleicht, die auf der Ausgangsseite herauskommt (Ausgangsleistung). Der Unterschied zwischen diesen beiden Leistungen ist der Verlust.

Die Eingangsleistung kann gemessen werden, indem man den Strom und die Spannung am Eingang misst und die resultierende Leistung berechnet (Strom x Spannung). Die Ausgangsleistung kann auf die gleiche Weise gemessen werden, indem man den Strom und die Spannung am Ausgang misst.

Die Verluste können dann berechnet werden, indem man die Eingangsleistung von der Ausgangsleistung subtrahiert.

Es gibt auch spezielle Messgeräte und Software, die helfen, diese Messungen automatisch durchzuführen und die Verluste zu berechnen.

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00:00:00: Oh my.

00:00:02: Guest on Vanya and numerous online 106 let alone the Zurich water and the nettle and you should push refute and transform our tour.

00:00:12: Then on the Condor have time for blame helmet a blue flies won't you guys in these courses publication then I'm gonna up like you know to gumption fie fie fie fie and Bill dies for off now

00:00:25: yeah as the only real nation that is you must fermentable fiber.

00:00:30: For moot leash files to consider mass of among beginners affiliate of the important when we're in definitive sin Fela film.

00:00:40: So that's kind of a mind that sustained I mean you know mom's travel follows that I feel in Edge side no.

00:00:51: Excited to do it we went through nuclear transfer my tone and bulimia for straightness and figuring winter in the exam.

00:00:59: Does this tool does the last flows I will be in Aggie.

00:01:05: From traffic mr. mesenbourg of the free since I reached only 13 cents finished 0 then dying Bakery.

00:01:16: I'm flexible markowski shaded is and petite in diesem Albrecht.

00:01:22: GB you guys are lagers told from this banister storm flows the energy flows engaging is X as a negative.

00:01:31: My mind has bought 20,000 unique some Nets Ava and over and bi G he's too.

00:01:39: Dusty furnace nice to Natural heave - is around a table and we could out grammar,

00:01:46: when the last flows from Nets so Bo Gizelle argue about Isaiah rainy involved in his opinion in the peace in Vietnam,

00:01:55: this extreme musically is your 24 matter,

00:01:59: less thick musically title Vanek feasible a human the work lifestyle China has completely transformed Ottawa and Hunt 409 yardas last king of us do I cut my hand off this.

00:02:12: Let him to come here Marta Auto Mart has a phenomenal phenomenal miscarried in do I so for their Nets betrayal exact becomes to us.

00:02:26: I've come a half percent let's follow suit.

00:02:28: So I lied and by female did the Swift house boy Whoa by rights he sent a few million kilowatts to nice try the lesson for travel,

00:02:36: the Lord is the in helium file is a technically I into bone the next whatever you may have to wisely use run and pretend minnesotans as well as I found amazes in my IP can pretend,

00:02:51: did man detective wisdom understands for multiples does.

00:02:56: Yeah come on doesn't exactly a few million inspires room these 50,000 you know what stromfee,

00:03:03: - come on racial classification it's and that's 12,000 over yeah early human ancestors all for proof unless order that investment father am I smart,

00:03:13: let's go unique funding is concerned that's what I want for Invasion we as a people office wherever enjoy the other way to be intimate is no way out yeah Point once names redundant map area,

00:03:26: and what a sick animal click up on the Internet site and stromfee me,

00:03:35: 4p info Ezekiel analysis,

00:03:38: so now he gets it right and a storm yeah yeah Mission began to muscle disease in the style The Hinton with their country Finishing Touch on zombies all see it,

00:03:48: thank you so much at all yeah I'll from Sue come as often,

00:03:52: long tag of Montague nuts shut down morning other producer in here and I'm Boomstick you about Debian will Cone Zone as I said I've anzan yeah

00:04:03: let's get after you bubbles away it's hard to run this as a fallen star don't try to see if you don't want to add some ghee in.

00:04:08: Wouldn't it went on there sponge but these are the type that and mittens Tom has next to Muhammad.

00:04:14: Michelle main to pee really fast so now invite my duty will do Moustache dining area killing us,

00:04:24: yeah and I'm on Michaels maynia four-part talk Last Hope wound

00:04:31: yeah I got the um do it as a conductor song I netzarim disagreed from homes and now I have to

00:04:40: first of all this long on the bureau's and language dish,

00:04:42: food in trouble yeah dude what's up guys that's why on and monitoring system exhibits captured not free from care that from this the time I a VA.

00:04:53: Nothing batik nominees is got money to Winters teams I'm relaxed at student tuition fee only really had time to react accordingly yet.

00:05:03: We'll die this is system our new of federal student fills me with middle variable analysis team gets a writer.

00:05:12: When I'm up yes you should and that's another thing about your child wants my on to making a gift has a Come Into Summer making sure Julia something LT data or and educate all my modesty.

00:05:26: Different bulk School fund out Bugis and darker as you can because I'm tell Mom and Dad yeah.

00:05:35: Down on me yeah I was eating vegetables with you understand but I couldn't let us get has really more until now we have the site regularly Thrones for uni.

00:05:46: And he faced of an AMA and Miss Lawson.

00:05:49: Cuisine here the true position and angle blocker efficient of to the United States and two were up for Freedom system and.

00:05:57: You know oil down hungry your own Terrain.

00:06:02: Whole class compact went there condo or everything was deer had currency of come to come as all your trommel has Movin in agency can has mm yeah.

00:06:13: Format foods of a falcon or and in goons and Highland farzin evening dc9 serve them hot here

00:06:22: production of you if I can speak to clutch very small Target or understands bedding areas as well go over and done in power hungry man's a listen.

00:06:33: The hillside forget new devices in our review program Ian this isn't any fun homework that computes and hoof talk and an enzyme start and then going from here.

00:06:42: Let's get the numbers done to close on your slime of the people and train horses join in the middle opened last EP Fallen log and 60.

00:06:51: Because I'm a meeting by the beach by here and took over the whole Basin area ornament.

00:06:56: When I often actually I'm Bianca based PC New Yorkers very prices in the economy gets off scene.

00:07:04: Up peve myth in cockpit you stay the flag with notes in a medieval the flag of Lanka oh May attract tourism,

00:07:13: a hug you know when you're working Woody dear Grandma occupy an end early again yeah angry exit at my Informatica Auto Mathis was.

00:07:23: Theory does maximum emitted by an attack yeah on my current erw knows our lofty last conduct and done from from our town from respite Harbor I'm noddin 2001 and illegal

00:07:36: when unzip Nvidia humming for that Xin jie in the yeah lies to me is life what I am the wa difference,

00:07:44: this is mutiny

00:07:46: does he know however fun whilst in its nyonya of I'm big pal voted is Maya application incorrect consume decent terrible appear in lesson three automaticity mean that the next time I experienced with mist and fog like,

00:08:00: yeah an Australian magetta home as a fan I didn't you guys I'm not going home with ocean,

00:08:05: glad to see your future home nothing surprising here and storm.

00:08:11: Wouldn't ya an awesome demo to become action dot dress I wanna under of environment punkin

00:08:20: all fun put on my good and evil to of and for an offer he looks older that way I'll be able they were excited to be here,

00:08:30: hello.

00:08:33: Yeah that's what I wanted to mention my internet cell phone and no one is even someone talk to me please.

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