Unterschied zwischen einem Energieaudit und einem Energiemonitoring
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Energieaudit und einem Energiemonitoring?
Sowohl das Energieaudit als auch das Energiemonitoring sind Begriffe, die im Zusammenhang mit Energieeffizienz und -management verwendet werden, jedoch beschreiben sie unterschiedliche Konzepte und Ansätze.
Ein Energieaudit ist eine umfassende Bewertung des Energieverbrauchs, der Energieeffizienz und der Energieeinsparungspotenziale in einem Gebäude, einem Industrieprozess oder einem System. Es handelt sich um eine systematische Untersuchung, die darauf abzielt, den Energieverbrauch zu analysieren, Schwachstellen und ineffiziente Bereiche zu identifizieren und Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz abzuleiten. Energieaudits können in verschiedenen Umfängen durchgeführt werden, von einfachen Walkthrough-Audits bis hin zu detaillierten technischen Analysen. Ziel ist es, konkrete Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs und der Energiekosten zu identifizieren.
Das Energiemonitoring bezieht sich auf die kontinuierliche Überwachung des Energieverbrauchs und der Energiedaten in Echtzeit. Hierbei werden Sensoren und Messgeräte eingesetzt, um Daten zu sammeln und zu analysieren, die Aufschluss über den aktuellen Energieverbrauch, -fluss und -bedarf geben. Dieses Monitoring ermöglicht es Unternehmen, Gebäuden oder Anlagen, den Energieverbrauch zu verfolgen, Trends zu erkennen, Abweichungen zu identifizieren und Leistungsindikatoren zu erstellen. Auf dieser Grundlage können Energieeinsparpotenziale erkannt, Verbrauchsspitzen ermittelt und Optimierungsstrategien entwickelt werden.
Zusammenfassend gesagt, konzentriert sich das Energieaudit auf die Analyse und Identifizierung von Verbesserungspotenzialen in Bezug auf die Energieeffizienz, während das Energiemonitoring die laufende Überwachung des Energieverbrauchs ermöglicht, um die Performance zu beurteilen und gegebenenfalls Anpassungen vorzunehmen. Oft ergänzen sich diese Ansätze, da ein Energieaudit oft die Grundlage für gezieltes Energiemonitoring legt, um die Wirksamkeit der empfohlenen Maßnahmen zu überwachen.
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00:00:00: So my cousin of your I'm double-parked had missing I can do what I think it's busy and Zi Fu noise civilization will slaw.
00:00:11: From mix unfunny of yoga's on lung their extreme field on Loveline from Libya copies one for India where no one would want.
00:00:22: If you start and do wish me a with a locker that's a huge appetite just yeah yeah yeah you just like I was really digging aggregate Heroes were fulfilled tiger book didn't have,
00:00:36: he's a mad example of universal blogger here stand there for digital camera out there soon,
00:00:44: terrific affirm Arkansas visor control Iran as a language however of unbiblical mostly in 3/4 time woohoo,
00:00:54: Dona mihi remedy will be back in in Racine and hareton fermenter and argue about larga,
00:01:00: yeah off their options hyphen and along the Tiber that essence of modernity love tide roll tide,
00:01:07: mystery preservation of order three friends of oyster Reef year electrician energy for both my Hoover,
00:01:14: this is flight affection first stage the see issues 04 of I make many sincere influence a Target who didn't Harbor or and yeah don't come out then,
00:01:25: D if its hands has shown to certainly answer with a kingdom and enzyme the Hedgehog in Sally's heart.
00:01:32: Good old wound us get our huge special Susie around us kid Mitch their copies of the iPhone for both of their Humvees a sadistic,
00:01:41: yeah this is his aggregation of these leaders who come the definition of xylophone,
00:01:47: it's emotional yeah the Zurich seat you must want to hear what or Giza all these pictures I think more before with that.
00:01:59: Click through the Tiny Tina tunic top it will be its I'll overcome evil aliens,
00:02:06: resolve it I'm sure that I see someone Rises gardenia of the work,
00:02:12: now we've got Daddy's opening of Maximum are two minutes done romantic example a my throat and Ginter arrange them in a weighted told me in pink does it heal and send if you need a hater,
00:02:27: let's turn the ontology on the show lets them down.
00:02:37: Go ahead has even less in elections in time in the hey guys think the head that's why once the head at I ruin also wider Arc here.
00:02:49: It's the majority of energy and electricity energy,
00:02:53: guys I wish me a drama between your gamma plus as we buy a vowel Moses cried over that made of - of course,
00:03:04: that's why I'm here they're subscribed technique with you guys and so ago teeth in action Khan,
00:03:12: when he died when I've had my whom their scope of all zoo Rizzo is for a new leash look you know that you're hot,
00:03:20: The Taste and exams group as our society better few home phenomena energy audit who we are dating,
00:03:29: yeah because I'm being asked to test no one feels when it's shown as a person,
00:03:33: UND on salary to immutable current videos here complete an edge time dilation owned fiala patent essentially feces in Florida you can I live nor I tried in the Haven of tamils,
00:03:48: but a physician there and I'm kind of ice to get outside for sure if I smoke my viewers a lager not a wound gets I love dancing,
00:03:57: UND zat smugglin it come on and finish out the vehicle based not on a yeah this is lighter good afternoon decided toilets.
00:04:11: Lewis my guns and War and my face tightener ish.
00:04:16: Father we ask Auntie Ocean or steam get beat asanas SRI SRI horse that netzfrequenz.
00:04:23: Thank you flat smoke here I'm going to put on PCS yukihira phone holder Lupica know he could work on provider.
00:04:37: We get somebody here and the one after netzanalyse user and item transform at will instantly yet that hidden technique and another even shots the old also High,
00:04:50: Pinocchio gazzaniga netzfrequenz you are gamma poem from nephew are approved practice the acting industry.
00:05:00: Trieste showing the English Channel follow find 30 W RB RB i--'s netzanalyse.
00:05:10: You should all feel and hopefully losing their life on act on filthy strong away it does is busy no telling decided in some stock.
00:05:21: Do not often don't talk in zone track enough of a motor.
00:05:26: Does he intend is a large activated always behind his car.
00:05:38: We obviously not a my next found after with it within Izu.
00:05:44: Does Nets more guests than in front of the star has extreme inch W humanists have an image problem.
00:05:54: Guns closer Spanish women here in diesem physicality Malaysia.
00:06:03: Spinal speed through all in all the mess create a new minzy Quinn Denver age of.
00:06:13: The fruit smoothies on a night as he couldn't hurt they would immediately activated who is in eyes oh that's the next panel stringtone junta.
00:06:24: UND for the Jewish and 42 taken $100 off.
00:06:29: Most of us here 20th final stock shrinked in my Vita in my Mira.
00:06:36: Boom one switched the electronic in a lot or.
00:06:44: We've cited as if site is up only involve I limits were right,
00:06:52: Amma is an optional item is actually only plant only avoid is I hope this app shine which he ate only.
00:07:02: None of us here obviously it was an East Indian file.
00:07:11: Spits there goes our Shrine is Carrot it is Simone needs Russian Nets panel would anger said I should say electronic.
00:07:23: A cubby in a showroom Ina's X has always suslov electromagnets.
00:07:30: One of the angles I did you shoot for each stroke he has periodically for has extra holding a rock on English.
00:07:38: You get a lot more extreme heat events that's the beginning of address trauma.
00:07:44: In 2000 a stinging he don't care when void of the lobelia next panel day again.
00:07:52: You see now that's not so nice boy the English.
00:07:58: Nice be overdue and Alternate between each head of the autobot I don't know exactly what programs into one that's where you all can enhance his bow tie and Recorders as actually,
00:08:10: I love this tune.
00:08:13: Year father is an excellent job in the NFL is I travel more you doing our website so we was here the also instantly attack.
00:08:25: Discover what you doing is for years they are very instant here / took you must have to not Korea to Sugar classroom.
00:08:34: The elusive got off you look like a skunk.
00:08:38: Blind lies to you shine light Stone who 03 record schwinger we are all in a sweat a resume.
00:08:46: The national year the electricity Nigeria play along.
00:08:55: You shall know the language but again the language home I think netzfrequenz for audit possible to tune it is a Sauvignon vectors form years and it still have a nice mahogany,
00:09:07: my name is Ernest there would give to our goals shuang in the netzfrequenz.
00:09:14: This activism here with here with these are empirical Based Services among bitten.
00:09:21: Of these 0s SAS veering between yoga mats I to gain honestly after way to show through.
00:09:30: Doesn't skunks fear no oil and stuff your other retaliation.
00:09:35: These are the muscles are Christian only one officer Lewis in his art form to cut spending in the economy harsh terrain would have taken you out there be a committee of where our he said that goes to MS program,
00:09:48: from guy who had his Darkness to here with unknown Thailand,
00:09:52: this is their fourth item under stromfee Target multitude 3/4 of reason and it's an illusion created arten yeah I should say I love the continuously noisy entire conference room.
00:10:05: You should all play a sport clothes and even Hutton we and when these are former Norfolk Roots doing Fusion,
00:10:12: a team of leading on a Max,
00:10:15: zi D Italia of the actress technique in their view gas on Earth for Phoenix like that yeah I would love to me I offer my full house manager then feel impressive end of the tube,
00:10:29: Nvidia announced each of in fire color when we are we for more money for has Agha metallics.
00:10:38: It's like on my cell phone,
00:10:40: that combination is from from half a and I regarded at Bugis and logger on Candy but I can now he for oceans and Lasting from Australia home and he just completed our true Master triggered,
00:10:54: I'll talk himself into your home the other Collective get Suzanne zaofu noise between Stitch until against her Club.
00:11:02: Do not come there for you know you're not gonna open SUNY but wait let's hear yours video to completely clear and man.
00:11:10: Does losses month yo choose.
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