Energieaudit vs. Energiemonitoring
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Energieaudit und einem Energiemonitoring?
Sowohl das Energieaudit als auch das Energiemonitoring sind Begriffe, die im Zusammenhang mit Energieeffizienz und -management verwendet werden, jedoch beschreiben sie unterschiedliche Konzepte und Ansätze.
Ein Energieaudit ist eine umfassende Bewertung des Energieverbrauchs, der Energieeffizienz und der Energieeinsparungspotenziale in einem Gebäude, einem Industrieprozess oder einem System. Es handelt sich um eine systematische Untersuchung, die darauf abzielt, den Energieverbrauch zu analysieren, Schwachstellen und ineffiziente Bereiche zu identifizieren und Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz abzuleiten. Energieaudits können in verschiedenen Umfängen durchgeführt werden, von einfachen Walkthrough-Audits bis hin zu detaillierten technischen Analysen. Ziel ist es, konkrete Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs und der Energiekosten zu identifizieren.
Das Energiemonitoring bezieht sich auf die kontinuierliche Überwachung des Energieverbrauchs und der Energiedaten in Echtzeit. Hierbei werden Sensoren und Messgeräte eingesetzt, um Daten zu sammeln und zu analysieren, die Aufschluss über den aktuellen Energieverbrauch, -fluss und -bedarf geben. Dieses Monitoring ermöglicht es Unternehmen, Gebäuden oder Anlagen, den Energieverbrauch zu verfolgen, Trends zu erkennen, Abweichungen zu identifizieren und Leistungsindikatoren zu erstellen. Auf dieser Grundlage können Energieeinsparpotenziale erkannt, Verbrauchsspitzen ermittelt und Optimierungsstrategien entwickelt werden.
Zusammenfassend gesagt, konzentriert sich das Energieaudit auf die Analyse und Identifizierung von Verbesserungspotenzialen in Bezug auf die Energieeffizienz, während das Energiemonitoring die laufende Überwachung des Energieverbrauchs ermöglicht, um die Performance zu beurteilen und gegebenenfalls Anpassungen vorzunehmen. Oft ergänzen sich diese Ansätze, da ein Energieaudit oft die Grundlage für gezieltes Energiemonitoring legt, um die Wirksamkeit der empfohlenen Maßnahmen zu überwachen.
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00:00:00: So one action.
00:00:05: I'm Glenn keys are giving yachtsman and he ordered versus energiemonitoring.
00:00:12: The Humvee I am Phil and sisters do often anymore until I got to bond or indirect from Starvin energieaudit yeah,
00:00:21: mr. stingwell energieaudit should I Fizz Zone awareness and I get more time for important their fears and for an official answer is,
00:00:30: in the 2.15 that is and he ordered Yahoo I'm I'm men of number from their viewers a larger order from industry between buses for the electrician and sweetness,
00:00:41: and when we do have a few transition time it'll be activated via its inverse Infinity at a boom and language fiber iron metal beard,
00:00:51: Vincent's eyes open and offside 100 Woodside and give it to some festive Escalade,
00:00:57: and yeah if eventually need amount of vanilla up built it was company upon their unlock the problem.
00:01:06: It's - Gruber kinds name from fruit with a mesh to the film defines or symbolic spy 2019.
00:01:13: Stanley's a DOT and instigate the lies from work lies don't write think away all same didn't shred up the few remaining met some water H Transportation messing with and in Nets analytical rate.
00:01:25: Then come home and mesosphere Midler and Miss we had fun.
00:01:29: Fields 13 kimono and KFOR Shine Like a Stone when I'm done and.
00:01:36: Grunts Lake goes in OC B used by the fat cells being placed on the general theme of whatever own nephew.
00:01:43: These are made is shownu and Middle math or science was extremely afraid of can see got have most screechy garnish.
00:01:51: Well done cannot be absent within but I reveal anger.
00:01:55: The only reason we are here leave it as loud as graphic as can see ya jamilka me off and Yaris middleware Theory Tish.
00:02:04: That's why you and Rhys he thousand funeral Odin Lloyd see.
00:02:08: Yeah although completely time in these an energy audit searched under so that really still Nationwide antagonizing of mathematics walk like a human,
00:02:16: owned because I can't even pinch vanish but messing and dust
00:02:20: well maybe he'll crack about it I understand what I wish for Eden also Muslim Houston not my answer Muslim and then you do it naturally out of my vision power,
00:02:32: as always and the other is not his fault he invented which is AA is what he is doing this and I really trying for Ultra would you go holy shit yeah yeah,
00:02:45: yeah he gets out of in not fun and want to come back when times it's me they hadn't yeah when am I coming down off my Ford and crannies Danny more not my idea he's actually got to come back and beat which may see what happens when the strong guy kind of harder,
00:02:59: about gold mining is that energiemonitoring fear fear fear of his Impala
00:03:06: won't it get dirt from the important parameter from their Baja and done Rossiter social media and energy more interested in fire.
00:03:22: So as a business that condo will be in this energieaudit x discharge however he did Mastery talking about
00:03:30: through the eyes and then behave drop it soon will knock in our Fury accident with Erica
00:03:36: front door come on yeah they're beautiful pictures of building Monday doubters and if you get up connotes know offensively come on.
00:03:45: Owned Vicente laughs I'd encourage realize I was up to me and sometimes I guess them Tick Tock the time does the distributor I think you should believe a person who wouldn't ending that.
00:03:56: Jordan what's happened why what happened yeah.
00:04:01: So it's giving money and strive you back behind bars kind of he is he was he gonna get already here PCI over here we have a.
00:04:10: Ian Smith writes recovery installed utilized from will grow back fear a band fights with rights income instead utilize / WR Wacker see in 12:08 come even applies to all same Nets.
00:04:24: We get small Lakme MLS middle of your back.
00:04:27: Evie it's why I'm it sighs mmm Jim come up with curry as in follow-through spits drove.
00:04:35: Damn it can issue my autism as the exempt and of 2010 name leaked and whether it's a lesson or a first date it should,
00:04:44: because clearly at nist for horn and off sperm and forever last row in case of Hardware in fight about we're back in a for group was over lasted who dies when he hit me and so forth that's monitoring.
00:04:59: An important of these preacher to come he was a mission non-union hello Vernon xiaomi has a murderous bit and that's going to be tormented Spirit needs to proceed mr. won't pin the kind of him a hint that pharmacists and diets.
00:05:13: Hindi I might in the side fence out seen this version ends on both my name.
00:05:22: That was in my class a' and eischeid storm for few months Francisco away.
00:05:27: Can select really Bo gazzaniga Valley next panel quotes Alexandra he wrote.
00:05:33: Yeah when sogginess fugitives Novak ain't sending a classroom right around Christine had guests and shown,
00:05:41: attendance hope it's acting oddly environmentalists my lung is this young Cooks he lets me select eat our fill light.
00:05:49: Relationship I see so it's true though that it mansion.
00:05:55: Up inside phone and say she was providing massage.
00:06:13: Poland doesn't really yeah that was good just wanted to wish given by the Army in college classes in Idaho back Mitch twice 1,000 kilobytes tone and yama's hello,
00:06:25: industry in Behavior mod function is awesome when you were back in back of my students,
00:06:31: yeah it must be here but he also acted as the weird you know,
00:06:40: undone from the Treetops swaying Spitzer lesson that I can still wear that it's like tidal flow from known to the Y terms of what.
00:06:47: You notice here there's an awkward or is it can happen you know X belongs among the think it's
00:06:55: dargis you learned goodness I'm yeah this is cool the command getting their hair done here but what time you think that you from holster
00:07:08: I'm not sure because of the awesome
00:07:12: and yeah as a Vespa now from energieaudit dieting here that you require two magnets are not invited her about Kokomo dhyanalinga Southeastern denominator 0,
00:07:24: Matthew Matt let's go so I toggle
00:07:30: so that come on often when a micro strategy you will prefer death of Marcus will be stationed along Farm is the highest and I'm a tiger
00:07:42: yeah listen the name is also my best AA I was kidding,
00:07:49: that's what comes with this time and I would often Harmon and you have ten even Order of Saint and we are cooking out here and talk in a strongly type of move by even contentdm we have them,
00:08:00: when sean gets noise gets up to Millions but da lost Alice,
00:08:06: yeah I'm putting that off and then sin was also it was nice was Ian Fletcher you know owned.
00:08:15: Not as a video for those of Japan soon DVR because of now I'm feeling awkward was enticed me I'm here as your next movie drawing and focus indicator in a electrical energy into mechanical energy.
00:08:30: Poison Bleak to arm those controlled from talk to a halt when you add this sort of freaks over the ankle.
00:08:39: Open the app that you need for the idea of many girls you'll hear from gift for most home feet Arabic not Jewish.
00:08:46: Yeah you know I'm a skeptic that yeah pretty cool things about I have an excavator as a
00:08:55: miso in the tires on a dozen exemptions its microphone of a sequel confessed of eye tracking big mix and add ATP for one logger
00:09:05: well not my idea yeah Productions man yeah that's who I'm kind of soft hands putting them on a smaller version to watch yet,
00:09:14: other here you take action functions mang on Tylenol Cuisine available local Dynamic Louisville okay that's what our best of us have a dark enough commanders in we evening yeah STFU afternoons the daf.
00:09:29: Kunal the owned Dan gets a to reach out of the diet from their Nets and a loser.
00:09:40: Cooking at home it was given unto Mary of Tepeyac have a strength
00:09:48: he's a transfer module with under cruising I'm of em comes home at well guns into the sun is fulfill the CSP stratum echoing to her s stands for matter of Fallujah fact to us,
00:10:01: a job you stromfee as we Christine.
00:10:04: Yodeling with a hunt connected in Excel over and external tank because someone gets automatically yet.
00:10:12: Then is getting movie connectivity shine lights through the work light Stone.
00:10:17: You do it in transformatory but Hardware in Super Alien Hero is that Transformer or follows.
00:10:24: On the monitor program full-auto matters we all my of them for let's simplify again before let's divide my hair.
00:10:34: With the insta be a niche followed in file using via.
00:10:38: The right half full Lanson xenovia guns claw in Transformer to follow us in h site.
00:10:48: Use the formal Menino's their shine light Stone would think holds true for mendelian of storm the staff was pregnant when he rented a remedial weirdos.
00:10:59: Doubles a gift 3 pure in its path over to correct tool.
00:11:03: Yeah powerful going to affect to get a Meek B fi put century when the in their regular binary Comas X this new camera.
00:11:14: We don't talk as production as we do we take either go the fourth item which has money Towing and excite can't cause a foreteller by their Farm achtung.
00:11:25: By the gram of fat a low Eva,
00:11:28: and if I blow her from her home in the meal was allowed for the transparency Deacon deep Letterman energieaudit balance happened.
00:11:37: 24 and Donna and Jim okay over here mesh turns and visited by a woman from Beyond and doubt that even doesn't mean drawings his team out for ya.
00:11:51: I would like your dress on and I know truth.
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